ISBN means International Standard Book Number. ISBNs give a unique identifier to every edition of a book published (and also to many book-like products, including e-books).

The Faroes ISBN system is administered at Landsbókasavnið and this is where publishers should apply when registering as an ISBN-publisher.

Users manual

You can find the international users' manual here.

Send in/File an application

Download and fill out the application (pdf)

The aplication must be sent to:

J. C. Svabos gøtu 16
P.O. Box 61
FO-110 Tórshavn

Tlf. +298 34 05 25 

Get a single ISBN number

In case of publishing a single book, the person in question must contact bókamiðsølan tel. 313756 to get individual ISBNs.