
Cochrane-bókasavnið - Vísindalig tíðarrit ætlað granskarum og heilsustarvsfólki. Nøkur av mest týðandi tíðarritunum í fleiri vísindagreinum. (Vísindalig tíðarrit)


eReolen is the Dansih online library containing audio and ebooks primarily in Danish, but also in Faroese.

eReolen Global

eReolen Global is an online library with English e-books, audiobooks and magazines.

ERNiE (Encyclopedia of Romantic Nationalism in Europe) 🔒

Faktalink - A collection of articles about current affairs and historical topics covering a wide range of interests. Some are links to further reading on the internet and references to photo descriptions, articles, books, TV and radio spots and other information on each subject. Primarily for school use. (Greinasavn)

FF blaðið

FF blaðið - Year 2002-2007 of FF blaðnum.

Filmcentralen / Danmark på film

Filmcentralen - Acess to older short films from the Faroes (click on the Faroes on the map).


Forfatterweb is a database containing Danish and foreign childrens, youth and adult authors, both deceased and living. Forfatterweb contains approx. 1100 portraits and themes. Primarily for schools and for those who want to know more about what they are reading.

Gale: High School 🔒

Gale: High School - Access hundreds of thousands of topic overviews, primary sources, biographies, and critical essays on core subjects ranging from the Great Depression to Malala Yousafzai. Periodical coverage includes full-text newspaper, magazine, and journal articles from reputable sources like The Economist, The New York Times, National Geographic, Newsweek, Popular Science, and Smithsonian.

Google Scholar

Infomedia - Danish newspaper archive. Newspapers and articles, accessible from about 1990- Politiken, Information, Kristeligt dagblad, Berlingske, Jyllandsposten, Psykologi, Her & nu and many others. 2500+ sources
75+ mio. articles

PURE Faroe Islands

PURE Faroe Islands - Here you will find articles written by Faroese scientists, as well as articles about the Faroe Islands (started in 2021).


🔒 IP Access

To access sites with IP access...

Avísirnar, sum mangla í

Dimmalætting, Amtstidende for Færøerne, trialnumber 1877
Føroya Social-demokratur 1941
Føroya Social-demokratur 1942


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